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Ross Castle, Killarney, Ireland Print

$ 20.00$ 50.00

  • double mat
  • double mat framed
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There are few castles anywhere in Ireland that can boast
such a dream-like enchanted setting as this ruined tower
house on the shore of Killarney’s Lower Lake. Built in the
late fifteenth century, it is fairly typical of its type,
with square bartizans on diagonally opposite corners and a
thick end wall containing a tier of chambers and a winding
mural stair.

The tower stands within a square bawn defended by round
corner towers, two of which survive, the others having been
removed in 1688 to make room for an extension, the ruins of
which remain on the south side of the castle.

The castle was the chief seat of the O’Donaghue Mors,
hereditary rulers of this district and descendants of the
ancient kings of Munster. After the Desmond rebellion their
fortified lands were acquired by the MacCarthy Mors from
whom they were purchased by Sir Valentine Browne, ancestor
of the Earls of Kenmare. In 1652 the castle was held by
Lord Muskerry against a Cromwellian force of 1,500 foot and
700 horse soldiers, commanded by Edmond Ludlow. It fell
after floating batteries were brought over land to bombard
it from the lough as well as from the land. The Brownes,
who retained the old faith, remained in the castle until
they lost their estates in 1690 for supporting the Jacobite
cause. Although their lands were recovered around 1720,
they were unable to regain possession of the castle, which
had been taken over as a military barracks. They
subsequently built a grand new house a little further to
the north, close to the town, and in time the old castle
was incorporated as a picturesque feature of its landscape

Located 1.5 miles SW of Killarney on Ross Island within
Kenmare Demesne, now incorporated within Killarney National Park.

Frame is cream antiqued in gold.


Nelson’s Pillar, Dublin 1923 Print

Dominic Street, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath 1930’s


Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Make Selection

double mat, double mat framed


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